Trexo Robotics “Trexo Plus”, Wearable Robotic Legs for Disabled Kids

Trexo Plus is a novel wearable robotics device designed by Trexo Robotics to help children with disabilities experience walking.Trexo enables a child to walk, creating an empowered life.
source/image: Trexo Robotics
The Trexo Plus delivers pre-programmed gait to help children with disabilities walk in a stable, safe and complete mobile more: Trexo Robotics
The device consists of wearable robotic legs, that can provide mobility and therapeutic benefits.It works by converting a passive walker into a fully powered robotic device that is completely mobile.
Comprised of two wearable robotics legs that can be attached to any walker, the device allows a child to experience walking independently using a piece of equipment that they’re already familiar with.