In Colombia, There’s a Parade Just for Jeeps – The Yipao Parade!!


Once dependent on mules to transport supplies, the arrival of the trusty Jeep made life a lot easier for the coffee farmers of Colombia—and, boy are they are thankful.

source/image(PrtSc): Great Big Story

So thankful, in fact, that for the past 25 years, they have come together in the city of Armenia to celebrate Jeeps at the annual Yipao Parade.

Adriana Patricia Durán’s family has taken part in the parade for years, spending at least two days decorating their Jeep before driving it into the city for the big procession.



The idea is to stack as much as you can on top of your vehicle in an artful display, using items that represent your family’s identity—everything from fruit to furniture. Those with the most creative configurations win cash prizes.