A Beautiful Expanding Circular Dining Table In Pippy Oak!!

This expanding circular dining table is veneered in a 24 piece starburst pattern in pippy oak. The grain matches in both the original and the expanded states. The table expands from a diameter of 1.30m to 1.75m.
source/image(PrtSc): George Johnson
This table was made with a matching set of solid oak chairs, some photographs are below, with more information on the chairs section of the website./johnsonfurniture
George has created a table where the expansion leaves are stored within the body of the table and rise up automatically as it rotates. The unique unfolding star shape allows for a compact mechanism with a large range of table sizes.
The top of the table is made from either 12 or 24 pieces of veneer. These are cut into a wedge shape and arranged in a circle to form what is known as a starburst veneer formation. Turning over alternate leaves creates beautiful symmetrical effects.