Reelight CIO, A Battery Free Bike Light – No Batteries, No Friction!

CIO is a battery-free bike light, designed to meet the demands of modern transportation and developed to be self-powered in the simplest way possible.No batteries, no friction! Just easily-mountable, Scandinavian-designed bike lights, powered by 100% magnetic energy.
CIO is integrated with ReeMount, a straightforward and secure wire system that makes mounting the lights faster and easier than ever before. The wire is made from coated stainless steel, minimizing the risk of breakage or theft.
If the bike stops momentarily, the ReePower backup system automatically continues to supply power, keeping you safe even when stopping at traffic lights.CIO will carry on flashing for two minutes and then automatically turn off. CIO is intuitive and highly integrated, with no buttons or switches on the bike light.
All you have to do is ride, and never again worry whether your lights are on or off.The lights are mounted with ReeMount – a straightforward and secure wire system that makes positioning your lights faster and easier than ever before. The wire is made from coated stainless steel, ensuring a strong mount and minimising the risk of breakage or theft.