The Real Flying Car Prototype – The AeroMobil 3.0


The current flying car prototype AeroMobil 3.0 incorporates significant improvements and upgrades. It is now being tested in real flight conditions since October 2014. Initially certified by the Slovak Federation of Ultra-Light Flying, it now entered a regular flight-testing program.

source/image(PrtSc): AeroMobil

The flying car is similar in size to that of a limousine or a large luxury sedan and can easily be parked in regular parking slots. With a length of 6m and width of 8.32m when the wings are open and 2.24m when they are folded, the vehicle can accommodate two passengers.

source/image(PrtSc): AeroMobil

The car is powered by a Rotax 912 four-cylinder liquid and air-cooled engine, which generates approximately 75kW (100hp) of power. It burns standard gasoline and consumes 15l of fuel an hour in flight mode and 8l per 100km when driving on road.


AeroMobil 3.0 runs at a top speed of 200km/h (124mph) in air and 160km/h (99mph) on road.It takes off at a speed of 130km/h (81mph) and flies to a range of 700km (435 mies) in air and 875km (545 miles) on road. The empty weight of the vehicle is approximately 600kg.

The AeroMobil 3.0 prototype is very close to the final product. It is predominantly built from the same materials as the final product, such as advanced composite materials for the body shell, wings, and wheels.It also contains all the main features that will be incorporated into the final product, such as avionics equipment, autopilot and an advanced parachute deployment system.