Building An Amazing Motorized Coffee Table With a Secret 4k Projector!

There are many hi-tech coffee tables available that family and friends can gather around, but they can be rather expensive. If you consider yourself cool or just like cool things then this coffee table build is a fun and rewarding project to tackle.Amazing Coffee table with a motorized secret compartment. Great way to hide things in plain sight.
source/image(PrtSc): DIY Creators
Build it yourself or have someone do it for you, the option is yours. Overall Dimension (not including the feet):50 1/16″ (1271.58mm) L X 25 3/8″ (644.525mm) W X 14 1/8″ (358.775mm).Watch the video from DIY Creators for more info:
This build seems on the easier side since there really is not much electronics involved. All the parts can be easily sourced at your local hardware store and the only real tools you will need are a jigsaw and cordless drill.
This smart table is a piece of hi-tech furniture that’s chock-full of the modern conveniences you’ve always wished for.The Coffee table comes complete with USB chargers in the built in pop out outlet and with LED lighting inside it.
Easy to follow with labeled parts
- Step by step instructions ( 20 plus pages )
- Material list (lumber, hardware, electronic parts, hookup diagram)
- Cutting list with dual dimensions
- Plywood layout for cutting guide
- links to items used in this build to minimize research time