The Gocab , An Electric Power Assisted Bicycle Taxi For Childrens!!

The Gocab is a bicycle taxi with electric support in which 8 children can be safely transported. The Go Cab is particularly suitable for childcare and out-of-school care organizations (BSO). Thanks to the electric auxiliary drive, the Go-Cab is light, and it can also be cycled backwards with electric support.
With the single front wheel, the bike has a very short turning circle which makes it easy to maneuver. The occupants can be transported dry and safely through the overhang./translated from Van Raam.
The GoCab bicycle taxi is GS and TUF tested and therefore meets all safety requirements to be able to safely and safely transport 8 children. Because the GoCab bike can be driven without a license, it is an ideal alternative for taxi buses
Suitable for:Transporting 8 children for BSO, nurseries, associations, institutions or parks.CharacteristicsSmooth running, reverse cycling, 8 gears, parking brake, disc brakes, 8 individual belts, luggage compartment for the children’s bags.