The Quick-Cut Greens Harvester, A Revolution On Greens Harvesting!!!

The Quick-cut Greens Harvester from Farmer’s Friend is revolutionizing baby greens production on hundreds of farms around the globe; and it’s easy to see why.The swift rolling action of the macramé brush gently pulls individual leaves into the blades and then tosses them to the back of the basket.
source/image(PrtSc): Farmer’s Friend
When harvesting with the Quick Cut Greens Harvester, the neat, clean surface left behind is perfect for those planning on a second harvest from the same bed. Harvesting is also just as effective when the crop is more mature or “leggy.”See the Quick Cut harvester in action, hear the story behind the tool, and listen to Eliot Coleman and others share their thoughts!
Powered by a cordless drill, the Quick Cut harvester’s serrated blade makes a smooth, clean cut. A rolling macramé brush pulls individual leaves into the blades and then throws them to the back of the basket.
One person can easily cut over 80 kg. per hour of baby greens using the quick cut greens harvester!The razor sharp serrated blade helps give a cleaner cut than harvesting by hand with a knife or scissors. A simple pin allows the blade to pivot for easy cleaning, sharpening or replacement.