The Sealander, A Towable Amphibious Caravan That Floats Like a Boat!

Meet the Sealander: an amphibious, towable vehicle that combines a trailer, caravan, and yacht in one.Completely designed and built in Germany, the SEALANDER is the first serial-produced floating caravan in the world!
source/image(PrtSc): SEALANDER
The Sealander is an innovative lightweight mobile vehicle that is primarily a custom-made caravan but, with the help of a few handles and an outboard engine.
When users are ready to transform the vehicle from a terrestrial to a floating one, an outboard motor is fastened to the stern, which allows the boat to travel at a modest speed of 5 miles per hour.With a kitchenette appliances and, presumably, the world’s most efficient and cute toilet.
The Sealander Caravan has storage below the seats and can even be customized to include a toilet, a cooler, a sound system or even a barbecue.The wash module is equipped with a stainless steel sink, glass cover plate, tap with water pump, as well as a 13-liter fresh-water tank and 16-liter tank for waste water. The table and benches fold out into a bed for overnight trips or just a quick nap on the road!!read more: sealander