Warthog UGV “Unmanned Ground Vehicle”: Manipulator Teleoperation Package!

The Manipulator Teleoperation Package is a hardware and software kit that enables teleoperation of an industrial manipulator, with live camera feeds of the workspace.The kit provides the required hardware and software to control a mobile robot and an integrated industrial manipulator remotely via a wireless control unit, with live camera feeds of the workspace. The kit is currently supported on Clearpath‘s Husky UGV and Warthog UGV mobile robotic platforms.via: clearpathrobotics
The Manipulator Teleoperation package takes advantage of the world’s most robust, precise, and safe industrial arms for remote operation. Collaborative robot arms allow you to automate tasks without compromising team or organizational safety, and the Teleoperation Package allows remote observation and control of these world class manipulators.Learn More: clearpathrobotics
A dual camera system allows for the most effective visuals to complete remote tasks. A birds-eye-view fisheye camera, coupled with a wrist mounted end effect camera provides dual feeds of your work environment for easy and practical task completion.
Controlling a robot in the field should be easy, and the Manipulator Teleoperation Package gives you the software to execute the job the way it needs to be done, in the easiest way possible. The software enables end effector control, and pre-planned positions and motions, with the position of the arm in relation to the robot rendered in the user interface for ease-of-use.via: clearpathrobotics