DIY Platform Bed With Floating Night Stands

Planning to upgrade your bed? Why not make one of these DIY platform beds? This could be just the DIY project you’re looking for!The bedroom is a personal statement in any home. It’s a place of appeal, purpose, and its tone – quiet and relaxing.
source/image(PrtSc): DIY Creators
This is a Very easypiece to build so it is perfect if you are a beginner! This plan is for a full size bed but it is very easy to adjust the measurements to accommodate another size. Here’s how to built it!read more: DIY Creators
The task of choosing which bed style closely matches the statement you want to make and best appeals to your senses, can seem daunting due to the seemingly endless options available.
With three different styles to choose from — contemporary, traditional or simply functional — the platform bed adds a simplistic touch to your bedroom. It makes a smaller room appear larger and is both relaxing and inviting./DIY Creators