Where Ships Go to Die, Bangladeshi Workers Risk Everything!!

In Bangladesh, men desperate for work perform one of the world’s most dangerous jobs. They demolish huge ships in grueling conditions, braving disease, pollution, and the threat of being crushed or stabbed by steel sliced from the hulls.
source/image(PrtSc): National Geographic
These workers are performing one of the world’s most dangerous jobs, facing grueling conditions, braving disease, pollution, and the threat of being crushed or stabbed by steel sliced from the hulls.
Chittagong Ship Breaking Yard is located in Faujdarhat, Sitakunda Upazila, Bangladesh along the 18 kilometres Sitakunda coastal strip, 20 kilometres north-west of Chittagong.
Handling about a fifth of the world’s total, it is the world’s largest ship breaking industry, employs over 200,000 Bangladeshis, and accounts for around one-half of all the steel in Bangladesh. Bangladeshis break down up to 100 ships a year, ferrying millions of tons of goods across the globe.