The Ripsaw EV3-F1, a 1500HP HEMI-Powered Twin-Track Personal Tank!


Ripsaw EV3F1 are the most extreme and most terrain dominant Ripsaws ever developed. Designed with up to 1500hp and an astonishing .2 hp/lbs power to weight ratio, with over 112 inches of track on the ground.

source/image: Howe & Howe

The Ripsaw EV3-F1 is a single seater twin-track leisure tank with a 727 cubic inch 1500HP Hellcat Hemi engine stuck in,this makes it tear up any terrain it might face at an alarming pace.

The Ripsaw EV3-F1 stands as one of the world’s most exhilarating single seat off-road vehicles ever conceived. Wheel speed is no longer necessary to traverse slopes of loose terrain such as mud, sand and snow.


The Ripsaw SSR sets new benchmarks in terrestrial platform development and now stands as the pinnacle of extreme high speed off-road travel.