How To Replace Struts In Your Car Or Truck!!

Front Strut Replacement.Struts are an integral component of your vehicle’s suspension system, and kind of important if things like handling, stopping, and riding in comfort matter to you.
source/image: ChrisFix
Learn how to replace front or rear struts in your car.Doing your own suspension work can also save you many hundreds of dollars.Watch the video by ChrisFix for more info:
In this case I am working on a Mazda 3 but replacing struts is the same or very similar for most vehicles so after watching this video you will be able to replace the struts in your vehicle.
If you’re unsure about replacing them by yourslef or the condition of your struts, take your vehicle to a reputable mechanic to have it checked out and do it for you.This video is done by a professional.This video from ChrisFix assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk.