Transformation of a Cardboard Formula 1 Scale 1.3 : 1 Into a Ferrari F1 Racing Car!

The F1 car model is completely made of cardboard components meticulously put together. From the beginning till the end this project took 250 man/hours.
source/image(PrtSc): The Q
Near 50 square merets of cardboard and more than 100 glue gun sticks.This car fully meets 2018/2019 Formula 1 standarts. Scale of the car to the original is 1.3 : 1.
In today’s video you will watch an unusual project. We decided to paint f1 model made from cardboard into a ferrari formula 1 racing car.
Some parts of the video was accelerated up to 300 times, so 1 second of this video is 5 minutes in real life :)We are very proud of result we get!
The cardboard box is one of the most versatile items for making crafts.Cardboard is easy to work with, inexpensive and endlessly adaptable.