Eco Wave Power – A Wave Energy Generation System!

Eco Wave Power is the sole global inventor, owner and developer of the unique EWP wave energy devices,it designs, manufactures and operates the EWP wave energy convertors. The EWP convertors draw energy from wave power throughout uniquely shaped floaters, which rise and fall with the up and down motion, lifting force, change of water level, hydraulic air lock, and incident flux of waves.
source/image: EcoWavePower
The floaters are attached by robust arms to any type of man-made structure, such as (but not limited to) breakwaters, jetties, piers, poles, and floating and fixed platforms./Eco Wave Power
The motion of the floaters, is transmitted to a shore- located, power station (located on land, just like a regular power station), which converts the energy from this motion into fluid pressure, which is used to spin a generator, producing electricity.
One of our clear advantages is that only the floaters and pistons are located in the water, whereas all the technical equipment operates on land, thereby improving reliability and providing easy access for maintenance and repair./Eco Wave Power
At large scale commercial size sea wave power plants, the waves will enable the lifting significant amount of floaters, which will enable a continuous energy production and a smooth output.