Ford’s New State-Of-The-Art Environmental Test Centre/Weather Factory

Ford’s new state-of-the-art Environmental Test Centre in Cologne, Germany puts all the world’s weather under one roof, enabling engineers to test forthcoming vehicles – from a small Ford KA+ to a two-tonne Ford Transit in the most demanding conditions and make whatever weather they want at any time of the day.
source/image: Ford Europe
Up to 10 cars can be tested at once, and there are three wind tunnels to see how fast the cabin can be cooled, how fast the car starts, how much wind noise sneaks past the seals at certain speeds, and how the wipers hold up when they’re covered in ice.//fordmedia
They’re specific circumstances, but crucial for customers living in remote locales.It’s capable of creating -40°C or +55°C weather, generate 95 per cent humidity or simulate altitudes of 5200m. That means snow, by the way, and lots of it.
It’ll also simulate winds up to 250km/h or serious sun glare, the latter of which is crucial for designing interiors that don’t blind their drivers in summer.This new facility costed more than €70 million to build.All Ford vehicles will be tested in the facility.