The Ultimate Pedal-Free Weightless Running Bicycle

SuperHuman distance Running on GlideCycles, the ultimate run bike. GlideCycle run bikes are pedal-free, and the comfortable pelvic suspension saddle makes running upright easy and fast. Uphill or up mountains it is awesome.
source/image(PrtSc): GlideCycle
GlideCycle offers the best outdoor fitness workout: Weightless Running.Forget pounding joints, the GlideCycle running bike makes it possible to run like an avatar punching out 10 to 30 mile runs at 5 to 7 minute mile paces daily!!!
It has to be tried to be believed because it is so totally awesome. Run pain free, x train, recovery day train, recreational fitness, GC run bike does it all.The saddle, combined with the inherent flexibility of the structure, provides a bit of spring for each stride the rider makes. The GlideCycle uses a more traditional bicycle mechanism for steering.
The creators also recommend the GlideCycle as a low-load bearing method for rehabilitation or chronic joint pain, but it seems most revolutionary for the amputee market.With the GlideCycle you walk, jog or run like you typically do, but without your full body weight. Run naturally while being supported by the comfortable Pelvic Suspension System.