1939 Ford COE Rear Engine So-Cal Speed Shop Pete Chapouris!!

The 1939 Ford Coe Custom shown as a Tribute to the Hot Rod Legend Pete Chapouris “California Kid”….I caught up with it at the 2018 Grand National Roadster Show.From the front it looks like a very classy Cab Over Ford with a great stance.via: ScottieDTV
source/image(PrtSc): ScottieDTV
But when you get a look at it from the side you will notice a blown Motor in the bed.And it’s not just setting back there…It’s all very nicely done Surrounded by some metal mesh that looks very race.But clean and very fitting for the build.Watch the video from ScottieDTV for more info.
The interior is custom.But still has the understated stock look that will draw you in with cool details.I tried to get more information on this build but wasn’t able to get a interview or even much information from other media sources.
But I did know that this 1939 Ford COE not only was a way cool build….But a very important one…And there is a very cool early generation Motorcycle that goes with all this.