Living In Gross, Nebraska, A Tiny Town With Only Two Residents!!

Gross, Nebraska is a small town. That’s actually over-selling it. In fact, only two people live there. Mike and Mary Finnegan are the sole residents, and run a bar in the incorporated town.
source/image(PrtSc): Great Big Story
But Gross is a metropolis compared to nearby Monowi, where Elsie Eiler is the only resident. Eiler, the town’s mayor, also runs a tavern. Small towns, big stories.
While they are not short on visitors and passers-by, Mary and Mike remember the days when the town was more full of life.
They’ve faced every challenge head-on as a team, weathering multiple economic downturns and disappointments that caused the rest “once 600 “of the town’s residents to flee,when The railroad ended up bypassing Gross, and there was an immediate exodus.