Saving Singapore’s Architectural History, One Building at a Time

Soaring skyscrapers dominate Singapore’s skyline, but the city-state’s older structures—historic churches, temples and heritage buildings—are also gems that need to be preserved for future generations.
source/image: Great Big Story
For the past 20 years, architectural conservationist Yeo Kang Shua has devoted himself to that very cause. It’s painstaking work, but for Shua, it’s a labor of love. To date, he’s been honored with three UNESCO awards for his efforts.
His projects include putting together a database of the colour profiles and paint types used by the designers of Singapore’s historic buildings.
This requires him to make tiny incisions in the walls of temples, shophouses and residential buildings, and analyse the samples taken at the university’s laboratory.The architecture of Singapore displays a range of influences and styles from different places and periods.