Pavegen Floor Tiles – The Energy Of Every Footstep That Can Power Future Cities

Pavegen Systems is a technology company that has developed paving slabs to convert energy from people’s footsteps into small amounts of electrical power. Pavegen creates high engagement with citizens by converting their footsteps into energy, data and rewards./pavegen
“We do this for smart cities and transport hubs, retailers, brands and educators. Apps, lighting, sounds and rewards provide instant feedback.”pavegen
As pedestrians walk across the Pavegen system, the weight from their footsteps compresses electromagnetic generators below, producing 2 to 4 joules of off-grid electrical energy per step.
This energy is stored in batteries, or used to provide a direct, visual representation of the energy generated from a single step. Low-Power Bluetooth beacons connect to smartphone apps and the system can also communicate with building management systems.//pavegen