Olympic Champion Swimmer Ran Inside A Bubble Of Hydrogen Car Emissions


We have proposed a challenge to the athlete Mireia Belmonte, Hyundai ambassador, to test the clean hydrogen technology of the Hyundai NEXO. The Olympic champion faces the challenge of training inside a bubble connected to the exhaust pipe of a Hyundai NEXO, directly breathing the vehicle’s emissions.

source/image: Hyundai España

The extreme challenge demonstrates the efficiency of clean and environmentally friendly technology, developed for the Hyundai NEXO, which only emits water vapor and purifies the air at 99.9%.The Hyundai NEXO, the first hydrogen fuel cell vehicle registered in Spain, is the ultimate example of Hyundai’s commitment to incorporate hydrogen technology into urban mobility, which does not emit polluting particles and at the same time reduces the footprint of carbon.

To achieve maximum impact and make visible the positive effects of this technology, Hyundai has had the close collaboration of the National Hydrogen Center and the Camde Sports Medical Center, which have supervised all filming to ensure safety and have shared their support and testimony in the making of the spot.


All-New NEXO’s fuel cell system combines oxygen and hydrogen to create a flow of electrons that powers the electric drive motor and charges the 1.56kWh high voltage battery. It delivers best-in-class performance while producing no particulates or tailpipe emissions, other than purified air and droplets of clean water.
