Crushing Different Types Of Helmets With 150 Ton Hydraulic Press – Which Is The Strongest Helmet

How strong are different types of helmets? Are expensive helmets better than cheap ones? We will find out that by using our 150 ton hydraulic press and 150 ton force sensor!
source/image: Hydraulic Press Channel
The Hydraulic Press Channel compares types and qualities of helmets—bicycle, ballistic, and motorcycle—to see how they hold up under pressure. Lots of pressure. Advance to the 4:20-minute mark and you will find the full-face motorcycle obviously holds up the best to the 150 ton (136 tonne) hydraulic press.
It doesn’t really tell us anything useful about impact resistance, but it’s good to know there is some protection if a 136-tonne truck runs over your head in a crash.
The cheap helmet actually changes shape before it really gives in to the pressure. The higher-dollar helmet manages to hold up to more pressure before seriously distorting.The big surprise comes from the third motorcycle helmet to be tested. It’s an open face helmet and manages to withstand a lot of force before giving in.