DryCycle 4 Wheeled Fully Enclosed E-Assist Pedal Cycle – Crash Tests

DryCycle is a 4 wheeled fully enclosed electric assist pedal cycle (E-bike) and is fully road legal and legal for use on cycle paths and bus lanes (displaying a bicycle symbol) here in the UK.
source/image(PrtSc): DryCycle Ltd
There is no need for vehicle tax, license or insurance, you just need to be over 14 years old to ride one. At only 15p in electricity for a 30 mile range on the highest motor assistance setting there are very few vehicles that can compete with a DryCycle. Watch the video of DryCycle Crash Tests:
The DryCycle is a unique vehicle featuring full suspension, a comfortable car seat and top of the range Shimano E8000 motor and dual batteries, as well as Di2 electronic shifting, reverse gearbox and even heated handlebars!
The Shimano STEPS E8000 system gives you up to 80Nm of torque and will help push you up to 15.5mph (the legal cut off for motor assist). The system is very responsive with an inbuilt torque sensor and built to last.