Woman’s Magical Cob House Built with Earth & Reclaimed Materials

This is a full tour of a cozy cob micro cabin built by Marie France Roy, a professional snowboarder from Canada. She wanted to build a home with natural and reclaimed materials so the main floor is built with cob – a mix of sand, clay, and straw – and the upper floor is built with reclaimed cedar siding.
source/image(PrtSc): Exploring Alternatives
She also used secondhand windows and other materials that were used or on their way to the landfill to reduce the impact of her project.
source/image(PrtSc): Exploring Alternatives
For heat, she uses a sealed woodstove and has backup electric heat if she’s leaving the house for an extended period of time.
For water and waste, she’s hooked up to a well and septic. She is currently using propane for her stove and hot water heater but has bought and activated a system to produce and collect methane using food waste.
She hopes to eventually transition to using homemade gas instead of propane.The tiny cob house is plugged onto the grid but she also has a small solar panel array to feed renewable energy onto the grid.//Exploring Alternatives