Velove Armadillo Electric Cargo Bike With GreenPack As a Battery Alternative

Announcement from the HANNOVER MESSE: Finally, we offer GreenPack Mobile Energy Solutions GmbH as a battery alternative! High capacity and available at the brand new Swobbee – We share batteries sharing points. The GreenPack is battery sharing system for electric vehicles.
source/image(PrtSc): VeloveBikes
The Armadillo electric Cargo Bike is up to 2X more productive to a significantly lower total cost of ownership compared to an electric van. With a width of only 86 cm and a limited height, you can easily drive on bike paths to quickly get to your destination, without causing problems for other cyclists.
Velove Armadillo is useful for city logistics such as silky smooth suspension, 1 m3 safe box with container system and semi-trailer. Designed to endure everyday, heavy-duty use.The Velove Armadillo can carry about 300 pounds in its cargo box.
The suspension and the high stability make sure you can travel full speed over paving stone, tram tracks, potholes, small curbs, and corners. There is no risk of tipping over. Comfortably and safely cruise the city and enjoy the ride.