Terrafuga’s TF-2 A 3 Part eVTOL Ground, Passenger/Cargo & Air Vehicle Concept

Check out the latest published design of Terrafuga’s TF-2. This eVTOL aircraft is a 3 part transportation system including a ground vehicle, passenger/cargo cabin and air vehicle. Seamlessly travel to your final destination eliminating the hassle of multiple vehicles.
source/image(PrtSc): Terrafugia Inc
The system is therefore able to take you almost anywhere, from origin to final destination.The TF-2 Air Vehicle propulsion system is comprised of 8 electric motors, powered initially by a turbine generator and ultimately powered by batteries as technology advances.
With wings that expand and fold, the transition eliminates several hassles involving common automobile travel, including ground transportation, space limitations when it comes to extra clothing and other personal resources you may need while traveling to and from work.
You can store these items in the cargo cabin and still have room enough for 4 people.The TF-2 Transition has a range of speed of 100 mph/161km/hr. It Max range is 400 miles /644 km.
- • 4 Seats in a passenger designed cabin
- • 1,400 lbs / 635 kg in charge designed cabin
Range and Speed
- • Max Range | 185 miles | 300 km
- • Pax Payload | 1200 lbs | 544kg
- • Max Speed | 125 kts | 230 km / h