A Man Builds a Working Hoverbike In His Garage – The FlytCycle

This is my invention, the FlytCycle. It’s a fully functional hover bike that was constructed in just 3 weeks. So far we’ve flown it hundreds of times and it’s a ton of fun to fly around! We thought you’d enjoy seeing it in action!
source/image(PrtSc): Flyt Aerospace
It’s a VTOL personal flying aircraft that’s essentially a manned drone. Of course it’s a bit more complicated than that but operates on the same basic principles.
It can fly for 10-15 minutes on a single set of batteries and weights ~165lbs empty. We’re currently testing it in more challenging environments such as dusty fields to prove how well it works.
FlyCycle can be easily transported in the bed of a standard pickup truck and so, while it may not fit as a transportation that could beat the traffic congestion, it could, for now, make a fun sport vehicle which you can enjoy wherever there are large spaces available. The next FlytCycle includes numerous safety upgrades and performance improvements!