How to Install a COMPLETELY New Front Suspension in your Car or Truck

Learn how to replace the ENTIRE front suspension of your car in this two episode series. Here I will show you how to install a brand new wheel bearing, ball joints, control arms, tie rod, strut, and axle./ChrisFix
source/image(PrtSc): ChrisFix
The ball joint and wheel bearing has to be pressed into the knuckle and I have a bunch of tips and tricks to make that easy.Watch the video from ChrisFix for more info:
I show how to properly install a tie rod (safely) and get an accurate measurement so you can get the car aligned.
I also show you how to properly torque down bolts with bushings so you don’t tear them. The rest of the suspension parts are pretty simple to install and then we go for a ride to see how much better the car handles!/ChrisFix