The Liebherr Slurry Wall Cutter LSC 8-18 Package

Diaphragm wall work. Liebherr presents a brand new package for slurry wall applications with hydromill, duty cycle crawler crane and separation plant.
The slurry wall cutter package can be ideally adapted to the conditions on the jobsite and convinces, above all, through extremely high efficiency. The robust construction is designed for unrestricted use and a long service life.
The slurry wall cutter is modularly designed and has a robust base body. As the names of the slurry wall cutters LSC 8-18 C and L imply, slurry walls with thicknesses between 800 and 1800 mm can be installed.
The term “C” (compact) stands for the compact version, while the base body of the “L” (large) version is 4 m longer – as an advantage for slurry walls with large dimensions. Bites with lengths of 2800 or 3200 mm and maximum depths of 110 m can be excavated with the slurry wall cutter.