DIY/Building An Off Road Go Kart From Steel Tubing

This two-seat, dual suspension Kart has a great design that makes Karting a team activity.Building a DIY off road Go Kart from steel tubing, online plans and a lot of welding!
source/image(PrtSc): homesteadonomics
This was definitely the most amount of welding I’ve ever done on one single project. A lot of work but So Much Fun! And it even works… despite my best efforts.Watch the video from homesteadonomics for more info:
This Go Kart has two full sized seats, full front & rear suspension and a 10HP motor. With very small adjustments to the design you can put any style or size motor you want on this kart… Its built to handle whatever you can dream up!
As difficult as it looks, they are somewhat easy to build on your own. It will be a very interesting project for you and your family and friends. You will spend lots of bonding time building something useful together.The above video breifly explains how i do it, the finnished Go Kart is great fun.