10 Boston Dynamics Four-Legged SpotMini Robots Pull a Truck At ~1 Degree Uphill

It only takes 10 Spotpower (SP) to haul a truck across the Boston Dynamics parking lot (~1 degree uphill, truck in neutral).
source/image(PrtSc): BostonDynamics
These Spot robots are coming off the production line now and will be available for a range of applications soon.
The truck was parked in neutral and carried across the lot that inclines about 1 degreeEach robot weighs 30 kg but can support a little half of its own weight (14 kg) of payload.
The four-legged robot also has a battery that lasts for approximately 90 minutes under normal circumstances.The SpotMini also has an optional arm that attaches to the front of the robot that can be used for picking up and moving things.