Learn How a Horse Glass Sculpture Is Made – Glass Artisan


Glass art sculpture dates back hundreds, if not thousands of years. Pieces dating back to the ancient Egyptian civilization have been found, still intact. Modern day glass art uses many of the same techniques as these ancient glass artisans.

source/image: Science Channel

Artwork made from |hot glass| includes blown glass, solid sculpted glass, and cast glass.Basically, hot glass working involves molten glass with a temperature around 2000° degrees. This hot viscous glass can be used in glass blowing, sculpting, and casting into molds.

The glass remains hot for only about 2 or 3 minutes, then it gets too cold to process. However, the temperature of the finished glass horse in this video reaches up to 700 degrees Celsius. After it’s done, the sculpture should cool down for another 1.5-2 hours.


Work such as glass sculpture, hand blown bowls, vases, goblets, and ornaments are commonly made with hot glass from a furnace.The artist will use a variety of techniques, including sandblasting, cutting, grinding, polishing and engraving to create a unique piece of art.
