VentZone Systems Indoor Air Quality With Heat Or Energy Recovery

VentZone® System, the most advanced and effective home ventilation system on the market today. The system combines zoned bathroom exhaust plus whole-house ventilation with a single heat or energy recovery ventilator. For the homeowner, this means healthy indoor air quality throughout the home with extra boost ventilation in the bathrooms as needed.//American ALDES
source/image(PrtSc): American ALDES
Traditional systems ventilate a bathroom in one of two ways; individual fans for each bathroom, or an inline bathroom fan connected to all bathrooms. The former is expensive as it requires purchasing, installing, and ducting several fans plus installing a vent in the exterior of the home for each bathroom.///American ALDES
The later wastes energy and can over ventilate a home since all bathroom exhaust is either on or off and does not allow the homeowner to operate ventilation in each bathroom independently. The innovative VentZone® System provides centralized, zoned bathroom exhaust plus whole house ventilation with a single heat or energy recovery ventilator.
It gives the homeowner the ability to turn on bathroom fans as needed, yet only requires one ventilator to provide exhaust for all the bathrooms.As air is exhausted from the bathrooms through ALDES’ patented Zone Register Terminals® (ZRT), it goes through an ALDES heat or energy recovery ventilator (also called an air exchanger). As air is being exhausted from the home, fresh air is also being brought in.//via: American ALDES