The World’s First Self Propelled Merger – The Oxbo 4334

Oxbo International Corp is proud to announce the new Oxbo 4334, the world’s first self-propelled merger.Oxbo drives productivity, forage quality, operator comfort, and merger capacity with the new model 4334.
source/image(PrtSc): OxboInternational
Front mounted pickup heads deliver an industry first: the ability to merge without driving the tractor over down crop. The same patented continuous pick up design, wide stance shoes, and unique pick up finger design that have made Oxbo mergers the #1 choice in the industry. have been incorporated into the new 4334.
It features air ride seat and full visibility of all 34-feet of crop pick up; reduces driver fatigue and contributes to improved forage quality. Heads fold up quickly for a narrow, 10-foot transport width; steps to operator’s platform fold up and out of the way.
Smooth crop flow – Easy transition from heads to conveyor.Conveyor trough – Delivers uniform, consistently shaped windrow for smoother harvester feeding.Wide shoes – Smooth head ride over rocks, chuck holes, pivot tracks, or ruts; eliminate header bounce.