DIY – How To Make a Modern Sofa With Plywood & Steel Legs

We have been working a few different DIY Modern Sofa projects because Sofas are often the most expensive piece of furniture in a house.
source/image(PrtSc): HomeMadeModern
Our end goal is to provide a collection of different DIY sofa projects in variety of different styles and sizes that are more affordable than Ikea. Watch the video from HomeMadeModern for more info:
This DIY Couch project can be made with just 3 basic power tools and hairpin legs or if you have access to a welder and want to save a little money you can make your own legs out of steel rods and some 3/16th plate steel.
For this Sofa project we show how to make your own cushions by sewing canvas covers for 3 inch thick foam.If you do not have a sewing machine we have produced several designs that have No-Sew cushions options. HomeMadeModern