Tour of the Case Stand Methane-Powered Wheel Loader

Case had some really interesting and innovative equipment on display including their methane powered project TETRA wheel loader and wheelchair accessible backhoe. Case unveils Project TETRA at bauma – concept wheel loader powered by FPT Industrial methane gas engine.
source/image(PrtSc): Awesome Earthmovers
The engine for the Tetra, which can run on natural gas, biomethane or liquified natural gas (LNG) was developed jointly between Case and its sister company FPT Industrial and, according to the company, delivers the same performance as its diesel equivalent.
Case says the engine is a six-cylinder and delivers up to 230 horsepower And torque up to 1,184 Nm, has diesel-like performance, but with a smoother and quieter drive. It also offers the same reliability and durability and fuel savings up to 30 percent.
The engine runs on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), ensuring 15 percent less CO2 and 99 percent less Particulate Matter than its diesel-based counterpart.This concept reimagines wheel loader design, and is a clear departure from anything seen in construction equipment to date. This methane-powered wheel loader concept reflects the increasing importance of alternative fuels, and demonstrates their viability in construction equipment.