DuPont Geotextile-Based Structure/GroundGrid Ground Stabilization

DuPont GroundGrid ground stabilization system is a geotextile grid used for ground stabilization in landscape and construction projects. Simply expand the three-dimensional honeycomb structure, place it on your project surface and fill with gravel, soil, sand or other mineral infill to create a strong and stable surface.
source/image(PrtSc): Landscape Discount
GroundGrid uses DuPont science to create an uncommonly strong and stable surface for your job site. As with many ground stabilization systems, a three dimensional honeycomb structure holds mineral infill to create a solid ground surface. The difference is that DuPont GroundGrid is made from high-performance fabric engineered by the experts at DuPont.
So it’s lightweight but tough enough to work hard and last for decades in any conditions, while being uniquely flexible and truly easy to use. From a performance standpoint, it allows water to flow in a horizontal direction through the structure to avoid water damming around the pathway.
Recommended Applications: Fire lanes, emergency vehicle access roads, truck maintenance and equipment yards, construction entrance soil stabilization, truck & cart wash-down areas, RV & boat access and parking, residential driveways, parking lots, overflow parking lots, roadways shoulders.