The Tiny Housewives Amazing Tiny House

Ness and Jess are two incredible ladies. After moving to New Zealand, they decided to begin their new life in a strange country by building a Tiny House on wheels. With minimal building experience but lots of passion, this dynamic duo have designed and constructed a true tiny masterpiece.
source/image(PrtSc): Living Big In A Tiny House
There’s no doubt about it, this tiny house is packed full of great features and industrial design influence. Much of that character is testament to the couples resourcefulness, repurposing skill and eye for a good bargain./livingbiginatinyhouse
Elements such as the exposed structural steel beams that have been interwoven with LED rope lights help the home to not only build a bold impression but also somehow warms the raw nature of the materials and makes the cold steel feel like a cosy character piece for the home.
As far as tiny houses in New Zealand go, this one is quite large. At almost 8 meters (25ft) long, 2.5 meters (8ft) wide, and 4 meters (13ft) high, this little house on wheels carries a feeling of spaciousness all through it.In the kitchen, the couples passion for repurposing and up-cycling becomes evident. The bench top was made from simple sheets of plywood (excess material from the mezzanine floor) covered with a sheet of steel.via: livingbiginatinyhouse