Micro Hydro Power with Turgo Generator – 10,000 Watts Of Power a Day

A nice case study on small scale hydro power from Practical Preppers, where they install a neat micro hydro power system in a small mountain stream. They use a Turgo turbine/generator which can handle more volume and less head.
source/image(PrtSc): Engineer775
This video covers the installation of a microhydro system in a mountain stream. The goal is to be able to charge a 24v battery bank and produce about 10,000 watts of power a day.
It’s a great video. Don’t miss 4:30 where he turns on the water flow to the turbine. That’s the sound of power generation!
If this is not enough power, we are going to supplement with a small solar array.An update on the micro hydro power system we installed a few month back.
The “head” is the fall height (vertical drop) of the water from the starting point to the turbine, and in this case study they have about 30 feet (9 m) of head.