The Super Slim Two-Seater Tango T600 Tiny Electric Car

A MAN claims he has created a car that might solve the world’s traffic congestion problems. Rick Woodbury from Spokane, Washington USA, is the president, founder and sole employee of ‘Commuter Cars.’
source/image(PrtSc): Barcroft Cars
The carmaker’s flagship model is the 2005 super slim two-seater Tango T600, a high-performance electric car that preceded Tesla. Watch the video from Barcroft Cars for more info:
This tiny electric vehicle is just eight and a half feet long and 39 inches wide, making it half the size of a traditional automobile.The car comes with a $108,000 price tag and costs $420,000 to make, which is why only 21 have been built
Rick told BTV: “I started this company 21 years ago – it was based on an idea that I came up with in 1982.” He was inspired by the shocking traffic congestion he had to face on a daily basis./Barcroft Cars