Rust Remover Showdown – Several Tests Of Various Store Brand Rust Removals


There are plenty of things you can do to remove rust from metal when you discover those nasty first signs.Investing in a good rust remover is essential.

source/image(PrtSc): Project Farm

Several tests in this video demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of various store brand rust removal products (CLR, Krud Kutter, Evap-Rust, Loctite Naval Jelly), Muriatic Acid, as well as other options such as using vinegar or Coca Cola.

More product details at the very bottom of the description. Which one works the best? After conducting the tests, I like Krud Cutter the best.


However, other products, such as Evapo-Rust proved to be very effective as well. Loctite Naval Jelly would be my pick for a flat metal surface. I am not sponsored and I do not receive funding from any product manufacturer. I conduct independent testing.