Cheap vs Expensive Brake Pads Tested, What Are The Best Brake Pads


Why You Shouldn’t Buy The Cheapest Brake Pads For Your Car.5 Different Brake Pads, ranging from $20 to OE, undergo four tests.What are the best brake pads? Are expensive brake pads better than cheaper brake pads? Are cheap brake pads dangerous? In this video, we’ll compare brake pads ranging from $20 to $90, all for the front brake pads on the exact same vehicle.

source/image(PrtSc): Engineering Explained

Performance testing will compare how the brake pads do when they experience high temperatures. Corrosion testing will determine how well the pads resist rust in harsh winter conditions. Shear testing will see how well the friction material is attached the the backing plate.

Finally, noise testing will determine which brake pads are the quietest. When you walk into a parts store, you’ll often see different tiers of brake pad prices. This video’s goal is to determine if you get what you’re paying for with those different brake pads.


Five different pads will be tested. $20, $40, $60, NRS, and original equipment pads for the same car will all undergo the same tests described above, using industry standardized tests. Watch the video to see how differently priced brake pads perform!/Engineering Explained