EMAV Multicopter Manned Drone Tested in Taal Lake

The EMAV is a drone that can take a human off the ground and fly them over short distances. Flying Kyxz has shared a video that this aerial vehicle tested in Tall Lake.This Project is funded by Star8 green technology corporation.The flying car is currently being developed in Philippines by Star8 green tech corporation and will be released mid next year 2020.
source/image: Flying Kyxz
The Electric Manned Aerial Vehicle (EMAV) has 8 long arms with 16 propellers. EMAV is built from aluminum and carbon fiber composite. The flying car currently has a 15 minute flight time with a weight capacity of 220 lbs.
The flying car, can fly as high as 6.1 m (20 ft) and speed up to 60 kph (37 mph), and its maiden flight lasted just a little over 10 minutes.
Filipino inventor Kyx Mendiola used parts from drones to build a prototype electric flying vehicle that could carry one person for 10 to 15 minutes at a height of 15 to 20 feet.All electronic components are redundant including Flight controller and batteries.The frame is made from Aluminum and Carbon fiber composite making this very light yet safe and strong.