Water Transfer Printing Hydrographics Applying Printed Designs To Three-Dimensional Objects


Hydro Dipping or HydroGraphics, also known as immersion printing, water transfer printing, water transfer imaging, hydro dipping or cubic printing, is a method of applying printed designs to three-dimensional surfaces. The hydrographic process can be used on metal, plastic, glass, hard woods, and various other materials.

source/image(PrtSc): HG Arts

Products are decorated using a print, which resides on a thin base of water-soluble film. The printed film is placed on the surface of the water, and the base begins to dissolve. A patented activator chemical is sprayed over the film causing the ink to remain floating in an oil-like state on top of the water. Watch the video by HG Arts:

The adhesion is a result of the chemical components of the activator softening the base coat layer and allowing the ink to form a bond with it. OneNext the properly prepared part is immersed into the water, and the upward pressure of the water causes the ink to wrap around and adhere to the item.


After the entire item has been immersed, it is removed from the water, cleaned and then coated with a clear coat. Included in the kit is a link to a set of video instructions that walk you through all the steps in the process. One of the most common causes of a failure to achieve adhesion between the two layers is a poorly applied activator. This can be either too much activator being applied or too little.
