Ultra-Small Water Power Generator That Works Even With Shallow Slow Moving Waters

Hydroelectric generation uses water power to drive turbines and is an important means for producing the electricity so essential for modern life.Facilities have been becoming smaller, with generators able to use diverse water power sources.
source/image(PrtSc): JVT-en
We’ll look at an ultra-small generator called “PicoPica10” developed by Sumino Co., LTDin Gifu that’s highly portable and works even with shallow, slow moving water.Watch the video from JVT-en for more info:
““PicoPica10” is a unit that enables around 10W generation by securing a flow of 10ℓ/sec and a head of 0.1m.This product can be manually assembled and utilized as security lighting, drawing power from a nearby waterway.”via: unido
Already tested powering street lights, it promises to allow people in the world’s remote regions to generate their own electricity for the first time.