Nanomedic SpinCare, A Device That Will Change They Way How We Treat Wounds

SpinCare from Nanomedic is the first and only system that integrates electrospinning technology into a portable, bedside device, offering immediate wound care treatment.
source/image: Nanomedic SpinCare
The device creates a customized nano-fibrous dressing based on patient’s wound condition. The dressing produced in situ is fine-tunable to surface, shape, thickness, skin site and area to be covered.
It is applied from a short distance, eliminating contact between the caregiver and the wound, thus reducing the potential of infection.
The SpinCare system was used to treat a 58Y old male with a split graft of 170cm2 wound, producing in-situ transient skin layer with full coverage and excellent adherence. The layer becomes transparent allowing assessment of the wound throughout the healing process and until epithelialization is complete. At this stage the SpinCare
transient layer peels off./via/read more: nanomedic