The OPod Concrete Pipe 15sqm Micro-Apartment/Tube House

OPod Tube House is an experimental, low cost, micro living housing unit to ease Hong Kong’s affordable housing problems. Constructed out of low cost and readily available 2.5m diameter concrete water pipe.
source/image: jameslawcybertecture
The design ultilizes the strong concrete structure to house a mirco-living apartment for one/two persons with fully kitted out living, cooking and bathroom spaces inside 100 sq.ft.
source/image: jameslawcybertecture
Each OPod Tube Houses are equipped with smart phone locks for online access as well as space saving furniture that maximises the space inside.
Inside the home, it uses lighting strips under the shelves to provide additional lighting. The wooden floor allowing with warm lighting creates a homey atmosphere.The living area has a bench seat that could be folded down to a bed to provide additional sleeping space for guests.
The founder of the company, James Law started the experimental project to solve Hong Kong’s ongoing affordable housing problems. OPod Tube Houses can be stacked to become a low rise building and a modular community in a short time, and can also be located/relocated to different sites in the city.