How to Make Gummy Ballistic Gel from Basic Materials at Home

In today’s video I want to show you how to make ballistic gel at home! You need gelatine, water and any shape! Proportion is 1:10 gelatine to water!
source/image: The Q
You should keep it in the fridge. And the best thing – you can melt your old figure and make new from the same material! Technically, you can remelt it as many times, as you want!
Ballistic gelatin is a testing medium scientifically correlated to swine muscle tissue (which in turn is comparable to human muscle tissue), in which the effects of bullet wounds can be simulated. It was developed and improved by Martin Fackler and others in the field of wound ballistics.
Ballistic gelatin is a solution of gelatin powder in water. Ballistic gelatin closely simulates the density and viscosity of human and animal muscle tissue, and is used as a standardized medium for testing the terminal performance of firearms ammunition.